Lisa Simpson is the daughter of Homer and Marge and sister of Bart and Maggie. Lisa Simpson is probably one of the smartest people in the town of spring field mainly because everyone is an idiot. She is a vegetarian and strong on her beliefs, in one episode she ruined a baroque that homer set up. Lisa has a sibling rivalry with Bart who she gets in a fair amount of fights with him. Bart’s best friend millhouse has a crush on Lisa and she is creped out by it. Even though Lisa is smart she gets in to child and UN normal problems. Like in one episode she tricks homer into letting her ride the bus to a museum only to find out the bus did not go to the museum on Wednesday and got lost. A lot of times her plans back fire on her, like in one episode she had no friends so she made a Facebook like website called spring face for kids but all of her internet friends only were on spring everyone in the town got addicted to it and it did not end well but she make real friends after it got taken down. Lisa can be self-centered at times when she was looking for something to crusade over she decided that she a girl would play football but then she learned that several other girls already joined the team then she was not as into it as before.