Eastern dragons

Chinese dragons had a very close link to weather. It is said that the worst floodings of Asia was caused by dragons when a mortal has upset it. The 5 toed dragon is a symbol of power. Chinese law back then said only the Emperor could wear any clothing that had 5 toed dragons, which were usually yellow garments. If anyone else than the Emperor was caught wearing the 5 claw toed symbol he/she would be put to death.


Western dragons

Western dragons are the blood thirsty dragons that are evil and hoard treasures rivaling that of kings. The most famous dragons are portrayed as western-type is Saint George or Michael who defeats the devil that is the dragon. Or also the poem Beowulf when a hero of the geats in Scandinavia goes to help the king of Danes that has been attacked by a dragon known as Grendel. After he slays the dragon. Victorious, Grendel's Mother attack after shes is also defeated Beowulf goes home to Geatland in Sweden later 50 years passed Beowulf defeats a dragon but fatally wounded in the battle. After his death he gets buried in tumulus a burial mound, in Geatland.

Red Dragon