
Combat is when you use a team of 3 dragons to battle other players. Type advantages are possible. If I battle your nature dragon with my flame dragon I will defeat your dragon in one hit. This is because fire burns nature-like things in real life. Fire burns grass. Grass covers earth. Earth stamps out Electric. Electric Zaps Metal and Water. It goes on. Dragons know multiple attacks also. So if my fire dragon's lava balls attacks have no effect on your sea dragon, I could use a different attack. Every dragon has 1-2 physical attacks witch have no advantage or disadvantage. Every dragon starts with 2 attacks (one physical and one of there type). Then they learn a new one at level 8 and again at 15. A dragon must be level 4 or higher to battle. Every 6 hours you are given 3 combats. A combat is used to contact another player and battle them. Every 11 hours you can battle in tournaments if you have a stadium.