1793- Second Lieutenant Napoleone Buonaparte of the La Fère artillery regiment decided that now that he was in the French Army he should make his name french. His new name was Napoleon Bonaparte. Bonaparte had just got his rank of second lieutenant when a revolution started in France. It wasn't long before the king was exucuted by a machine known as the gullinetone. Then a group of men known as the Directory took over. Bonaparte supported the revolution because they gave high ranks to pepole with talent, not because of their family titles. Bonaparte enlisted in the new French army and became a captin of artillery. He also started a newspaper that supported the revolution,called Le souper de Beaucaire. The Le souper de Beaucaire caught the attention of Augustin Robespierre,who's older brother was a revolutionary leader. Somehow Augustin Robespierre got his brother to give Bonaparte the position of commander of artillrey at the siege of Toulon. Toulon had been cauptured by loyalists (pepole who suppored the king) with the help of the British Navy. The french artillery commander had been wounded so Bonaparte was here to replace him. Bonaparte sureyed the area and noticed that the french forces had less guns then there enemy, and were outnumberd while trying to surrond the town. He also notcied that there was a hill that was in the control of the loyalists/british forces. He knew that if he could get artillery on that hill it could hit Toulon and the British ships. He decided to storm the hill so his artillery could get up there. The storm was succesful and Toulon was recaptured. Bonaparte was promoted to brigader general. With his new salary, the Bonapartes' family finacal problems were over.1795- Bonaparte enjoyed and,then, suddleny, a mob of 40,000 loyalits marched into Paris. The Dicterey told Bonaparte to stop the mob before they did anything harmful to them. Bonaparte ordered for cannons to stop the mob. Then, in one of the most stunning things Bonaparte did, he ordered the troops to fire "a whiff of grapeshot". By time the barrage ended, 1,400 loyalists lay dead. The day when down in history to be called "13 Vendémiaire Bonaparte was the hero of France. The Dicretory awarded him with the postion of commander of the Army of Italy.

1796- Brigader General Napoleon Bonaparte was given commaned of the french Army of Italy, but before he could go to take commaned, he had persnol matters to deal with. Bonaparte had fallen in love. He got married to Joséphine de Beauharnais, two days before he left for Italy. Bonaparte found a army in bad conditions. The morale was low, the supplies were low, and the tropps grumbled about having a Corsican general. Bonaparte was shocked at what bad conditions the army was in. He idmmetaly called for more supplies and better eqpumient. Withen a few weeks, the troops loved and respected Bonaparte. So General Bonaparte and his troops began to march to Italy. Bonaparte and his troops defeated the Austrian army at the Battle of Lodi, but was then defeated at the Battle of Caldiero. Bonaparte retook the inative at the Battle of the Brige of Arcole, where he took 4,000 prisoners and 11 cannons.1797- Bonaparte marched into Autsria, which forced Austria to sign the Treaty of Leoben, which gave France northern Italy and the Low Countries. After that Bonaparte captured Venice, which was greatly looted. Bonaparte returned to Paris with a grand welcome. The Directory publicly thanknd Bonaparte, but privatley they wondered if this general would try to take over the goverment. In order to make sure he could'nt take over, The Directory sent him to conquer Eygpt, and then with the help of indian princes they planned to drive the English out of India.1798- Bonaparte leaves France with 40,000 troops to conquer Eygpt. A long the way Bonaparte and his troops captured Malta, and then landed in Alexandria, and then fought the Battle of Shubra Khit, where they defeated the Malmaks. After the battle at Shurba Khit, Bonaparte's troops learned a important skill. They learned that when cavalry charges if troops form into a square, the cavalry charge would fail. At the Battle of the Pyramids, the French won a stunning victory. The French captured coastol towns until they were forced to retreat due to illnes. Finnaly, the French made it all the way back to Alexandria, where Bonaparte fended of a amphibious invasion at Abukir. After that Bonaparte got news that his navy had been defeated at the Battle of the Nile.1799- Bonaparte thought the situation was hopless, so he sliped away on a little boat. Eventullay the army in Eygpt would surrender and be taken to P.O.W camps. When Bonaparte got to France 6 months later, he decided that the Directory should be destroyed, and he should take control. With the help of his troops, Bonaparte stormed the Directory. Bonaparte was named First Counsel of France. The stage was set for Emperor Napoleon I.