At my house in Wellsboro,PA I have have a lot of LEGOs.
I make battles with them, by pretending that one minifigure represents 20,000 troops(At full strengh) and the minifigure is the general.
The two sides are the East and the West, who are rivals and are trying to expand their empires.
There is three differnt regions:the north, the south, and the center.
The main fighting is in the center region, where General McPherson of the West is order to lead 100,000 troops in order to destroy General Harren of the East and his 90,000 troops and capture the city of Recvan, the important rail center.

McPherson's commander's are:Messineo,with 20,000 troops known as the Axe Corps, named after their axes,Harrison, with 20,000 troops with rifles,Jacren,with 20,000 troops with the standerd sword,and Repen,who had the type of corps as Jacren. The last 20,000 troops were commandend by McPherson himself, and those troops had swords. Harren's commander's are: Smith, with 15,000 rifle troops, Webster, with 15,000 axe troops, and Wilson and Roberts,who each 20,000 sword troops. The last 20,000 troops are under General Harren and those are sword troops.

Harren knows that McPherson is targeting Recvan, so he wants to make sure he never gets there. Harren sends Smith, with his rifle troops in order to slow the advance of McPherson so he could prepare for the assault.

sword guy
By Simon