Simon is abcessed with Civ 5!

Simon spends hours at a time trying to destroy countries that bother him. He also makes allies with some countries and then destroys them.

I like The Sims 3. It is much better then Civ 5 because it is much more realalistic!

Actully, I can play Civ 4 but it is not as good as The Sims 3!

The Sims 3

I like making riddles.

Even though this has nothing to do with anything, I love making and solving riddles! See if you can solve this mystery. Dectictive Dawn found Lord Moody dead one morning at the Moody manor. A figurine was found broken on the top of the mantel with a bullet in it. Parts of the figurine was found on Lord Moody. There was also a pistol lying by Lord Moody and he had a bullet hole in his dinner jacket.

Dectictive Dawn talked with people who had been at the manner that night. He talked to Lord Moody's maid, Old Sal. She said," Mr. Moody had a dinner party last night with two gentlemen named Dr.Hankle and Mr.Burkle. Dr. Hankle left around 9:30 and I left around 9:45. All the doors and windows were locked after I left." Dectictive Dawn checked the windows and doors. They were locked. He then talked to Perrywinkle, the gardener. Perrywinkle said," It was Seedy Sam! I saw him break through the window while I was finishing watering the bushes. I was scared so I ran home without speaking to anyone about Seedy Sam!" Dectictive Dawn rested for the night and came back the next morning to find the dinner residents, Lord's Moody's butler, and Old Sal. They had found out some things the dectective hadn't found before.1. There was a bullet in the mantel that had come from the pistol on the floor.2. The pistol on the floor was Lord Moody's pistol.3. The bullet that killed Lord Moody was from an unknown pistol. Dectective Dawn listened to all the people in the room. Lord Moody's butler said," I heard a loud bang come from this room at 10:30 and I figured it was Mr.Moody shooting his figures like he normally does because you see, he likes to collect figurines and shoot them. The next morning I was suposed to take Mr.Moody to a meeting at 9:00 a.m and so I waited outside his door at 8:15. When he didn't come out at 8:45 I opened the door to this room and saw Mr.Moody dead so I called the police."Old Sal said," I was in the kitchen washing dishes and I heard that Mr.Burkle had brought a figurine with him." Did Mr.Moody buy it?" " Goodness, I didn't say Mr.Burkle would sell it. Although Mr.Moody tryed to convice Mr.Burkle to sell the figurine, Mr.Burkle wouldn't budge. So then Mr. Moody sent Dr.Hankle away and told me I could go home. It was a very boring night, and I was quite tired, so I went home." said Old Sal.Dr.Hankle said," I was Mr. Moody's doctor and so in thanks, Lord Moody invited me to a dinner party 2 nights ago. There was a man named Mr.Burkle also at the dinner party. He was a nice chap. Mr.Moody was not as nice though. He sent me home at 9:30, before dessert! How rude!" Dectective Dawn turned to Mr.Burkle and remarked," Mr. Burkle, you are the only one that I am not sure of the time you left. I'm forced to conclud that you had something to do with Lord Moody's tragic death." Mr.Burkle cried," Sir! Please don't blame me! I hardly even knew Mr.Moody when he invited me to the dinner party. I met him at an auction. I left around 10:20. I let myself out." At that moment, a woman stormed in. She said," I am Theodor Moody's sister, Andrinna Moody. I heard Theodor died so I came over to this horrifing manor. I don't really care about his death. He wasted his life on buying figurines and then shooting them. He was a sour man. Wait!"She turned to the shattered figure oh the mantel." This is the Ponoco that my brother mentioned in his last letter. I reconize the long nose he described. He told me was going to this figurine." Adrinna said. At that moment, Perrywinkle came flying in and showed everyone a dinner jacket to everyone." I found this dinner jacket in the bushes." The jacket had a bullet hole in it. Perrywinkle said," It belongs to....Mr.Burkle!"

How did Lord Moody die? click here