Giraffes are elegant animals. With their long legs and necks and their graceful movements, they seem like all motion is liquid. Giraffes are also living on the african plains mostly in preserves instead of in the real wild. If you are still interested, read on.

Giraffes are herbivores. This means that they only eat leaves and plants and no meat whatsoever. They reach into trees and eat leaves twigs and berries. Giraffes have tough mouths and tounges because of thorns. Giraffes also are extremely tall making it hard to drink so they spread their legs out wide and reach down to the water using their long necks.

Everyone knows that giraffes have long necks, but what about their tongues? Giraffes tongues are about 1 foot long! That means that they could clean their ears with their tongues (they are also blue black purple).They also have long legs to help them run fast(up to speeds of 35mph)! Their coats also have 9 different patterns of spots.

Know do you know a little something about giraffes? Good, I thougt so. Bye for now!:)

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