
The dutch east company was the most vablue company in the world worth 78 million dutch guliders which adjusted to 2012 dollars is 7.4 trillon.The founder of the dutch east india company was Jan Van riebeeck.It was founded by the dutch in 1602 to protect their trade and support their war of independence on spain.The dutch east india company had over 6,000 trade ships and emploied almost 1,000,000 people.The company had quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.Weighed down by corruption in the late 18th century, the Company went bankrupt and was formally dissolved in 1800, its possessions and the debt being taken over by the government of the Dutch Batavian Republic. The VOC's territories became the Dutch East Indies and were expanded over the course of the 19th century to include the whole of the Indonesian archipelago, and in the 20th century would form the Republic of Indonesia.