Harry is excited when the Weasley's save him from the Dursley's, when the invite him to the Quidditch World Cup with them. things go wrong when Death Eaters come. Voldemort's followers cast the dark mark into the sky after.

When Ron, HArry and Hermione are going back to Hogwarts and discover that Hogwarts is hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Its a competion between 3 Wizarding schools, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and the Durmstrang. A student is chosen from each school to compete. Harry is shocked when his name is called to compete, even though he was below the age limit, and he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire. It ends up being a Quad wizard tournament.

Even worse, Ron is mad because he thinks harry put his name in, and the stop talking all toghether. But hagrid is being helpful. Hagrid a tells Harry the first task is fighting Dragons, which helps Harry a lot. Whats better than the task going well for Harry, was that ron and harry became friends again. As the year goes on, snooping journalist, Rita Skeeter publishes gossip articles about Harry and the rest of the school is icolating him, Except for Ron and Hermione.

The next task isn't a competition, but a tradition. It's the Yule ball, and at the last mu=inute, Harry asks Cho Chang, but she is already going with someone else. Harry goes with Pavarti, Cedric Digorry, (the other Hogwarts competitior) goes with Cho Chang, who Harry initialy asked, Victor Crum goes with Hermione, and that was a surprise to Harry and Ron.

The next task is to swim to the Bottom of the Hogwarts lake, save your friend , and not drown. Harry gets there on time, but Fleur had not taken her person and time was almost up. HArry tried to take her and Ron, but he got up late, but since he rescued fluers sister, he got 2nd place.

The final Task is to find the Cup and get it first.Harry and cedricmake there at the same time, except the cup is like portal... to a grave yarrd. the rest is so spoiled I can't even tell you, but you can go here. Harry Potter summary and spoilers.