Harry, once again with the horrible Dursley's, is blowing up his Aunt Marge. Oops. He is soon again off to hogwarts, with knowledge from the Ministry of Magic, and Mr. Weasley that dementors, evil, soul sucking creatures, were guarding Hogwarts from the Black, but were not intended to hurt students. Harry is affected by them because of his traumatic history, so every time they come near, Harry colapses. Thankfully the new defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Proffeser Lupin, is willing to help harry learn a spell to protect himself.

Hermione is stressed due to loads of homework, due to enourmous load of courses, and her cat, Crookshanks, keeps trying to eat Ron's Rat, Scabbers. Ron and Hermione stop speaking, once Crookshanks supposidly eats Scabbers.

It utter chaos in Hogwarts when the Black breaks into the castle! At the end of the year, things come to a high point. First, Ron's rat scabbers is still alive, but is also ------------ and it turns out he was spying on Harry for------------------. Also, Harry learns that Sirius did not betray his parents, but----------did. Sirius, not a mass murder, but innocent, also is Harry's Godfather. Proffeser Lupin turns into a ---------, and Serious turns into a huge black dog to save them.

sorry. I missed half the story there, so here's the link. i'm on a time deadline, but I'll come fix it later. I gotta finish the rest of the page. Here's a link to the rest of it.