Tiger sharks are very large and need a considerable amount of space. Tiger sharks enjoy warm water and are sometimes found in tropic areas the Atlantic ocean is where most of them have been recognized.

You can find many of them in Hawaii. They tend to be at the surface of the water so they are often spotted easily. In recent years tiger sharks have been spotted around the waters of both New Zealand and Japan.

Tiger sharks have been recorded with the most attacks on humans only behind the great white. They are very aggressive by nature and will stop at nothing to complete a hunt for food. They will attack when they feel they are in danger which is why they are known to attack humans.

Tiger sharks are the fourth largest shark found in the world. Tiger sharks are solitary sharks that tend to live alone. They have amazing eyesight which is why they tend to hunt at night. They can camouflage with their blue or green color to help them blend in better with the surrounding in the water.